I am so blessed to have spent another summer at Camp Barakel. The verse above was one of the verses that I memorized each week. The others were Romans 12:11-13, Acts 18:9-10, 13:38-39, 2 Cor. 2:17 and Hebrews 4:16. I found most of these verses while reading 'Ashamed of the Gospel' by John MacArthur. These verses guided me and encouraged me to unashamedly proclaim the Truth to my guys throughout the summer.
I really don't know where to begin...
Coming into the summer I was somewhat prepared for what I was going to face as a counselor again. Obviously I didn't know what kind of kids I would get each week but I had already counseled before so I knew sort of what I was getting into unlike my first year. I felt more prepared. I looked back and evaluated myself from the previous summer, looking at what worked, what didn't; what I did wrong, where I was a slacker... that kind of stuff. I feel that I came into the summer with more of a urgency to share the gospel with more energy and personal plea. It seemed like my first year I tried to do it on my own, not allowing God to lead me or depend on Him for the results.
Because of this, I look back and I am very pleased on how I did representing Christ and proclaiming Him. I'm not saying that I am completely satisfied, there were times where I slacked off and lost sight of God's role in the process but, it was such an improvement. I can't believe the difference it made to approach everything prayerfully and really ask God to use me and speak through me rather than to make it on my own. It has shown me that when I really do give up control to Him, God works in amazing and powerful ways. Praise God!
Again, I am so thankful that God brought me back and further revealed Himself to me this summer. I highly recommend giving up your time to serve God through some form, it is very rewarding.
Here is the hard part though. I'm back at school and here is where the rubber meets the road. Will I continue to live for Him as I did at camp or will I shrink back to hiding? This is especially hard because I'm in a new place. So far, I really enjoy being at NMU and it is great to already have Christian friends established but, will I carry out Romans 1:16? This is what God has been picking at me at all summer. Sure, I'm involved with Campus Crusade, I go to bible study, church and help out with service stuff but when it comes to sharing my faith, I sit on the sidelines. I've already ignored opportunities to share True Love through Christ crucified and no doubt God is convicting me of that. I am very weak in this area. Now, God is not calling me to stand in the middle of campus and quote scripture (even though there is nothing wrong with that, it is biblical) but, I am to live for Him and that means carrying out the Great Commission. I should be loving those around me, reaching out to their needs, encouraging them with the Truth, sharing my experiences this summer, giving testimony of His work and sharing the gospel because Jesus is the ONLY avenue of salvation. This is not something that I can or should be doing on my own power. I've been challenged by the camp director to carry over the same counselor mentality at school. To do "one on ones", play games with others and to be there for one's needs. I need to live my life for Christ because it is not my own. When I live for Him truly, others will see Christ shining through and hopefully take note of that (curious, interested or persecuting). Persecution and rejection is what holds me back. I pray that I will give those to God and let Him reign sovereignly over my life and those around me, "for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes,"
This year will be different, just like this summer was different from ones past. It is time to live unashamed of the gospel, to reject passivity, cast all my fears to Him and live my life radically for Christ.
"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. " Philippians 3:14
Take care and I'd love to hear some comments,
Thank you for being obedient to God and relying upon Him to work through you - I'm encouraged everytime I hear from you...seeing God at work in your life is very encouraging to me.
ReplyDeleteI too am in a new place, and have started to become established in a church, a small group, and with a few Christian friends - but will I carry out Romans 1:16? So far, not really - sure I've been a passive witness through my work ethic & kind words, and most know of my Christian faith - but will I dare mention Christ and His gospel? Or am I ashamed? To my shame, even when I was a member of a very evangelical organization, on a campus ripe with gospel opportunities, I rarely shared my faith - but that is now the past - what will I do now?
Thanks for challenging me with this Devin.
In Christ,
Nice one brother. Very encouraging an challenging :)
It is really neat to hear you testify and give God the glory for the powerful difference you saw even between the two summers you were able to serve at camp. Since I have had the privilege of serving both summers with you; I can also testify of the amazing ways He used you when you submitted to Him.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for allowing Him to pour out your life unashamedly for the Gospel at camp this summer. It was truly a challenge and a joy for me to witness.
I pray as Paul begs in Ephesians 6:19-20 that your desire to proclaim the Gospel will draw you to fearlessly and despite persecution continue to serve as God has called you to do.
God Bless!
Hi Devin,
ReplyDeleteIt's good to hear from you and I wish you the best at NMU. I can tell your attitude is in the right place and God can use a willing servant such as yourself to do amazing things in the face of some pretty tough situations. I thank God for your testimony, and I hope I can constantly grow closer to God myself. God bless!
Taking what we've learned and have been challenged with at camp to our campuses is definitely a different challenge..but oh the incredible opportunities God will pour at our feet if we're pursuing them.Oh that i'd simply learn to be open and ready when they come! Thanks for this challenge, Devin.