Wednesday, May 13, 2009



I'm out of school, finally and overall, it was a decent year. I did amazing my first semester but then then second semester, my grades plummeted. The reason, because I was too committed to Campus Crusade for Christ. Now, Cru (as we call it) has been truly amazing and through it I have been challenged to always further my faith in God. But, Cru was my life, not school. Right now, I'm going to school, not Cru and I didn't follow through with that this semester. So, I'm definitely going to have to take some steps back, and yes, it is going to be hard. The thing that really sucks, is that is also where the majority of my friends are. When I look back, I pretty much only hung out with that group and hardly anyone else. And as great as they are, I feel like I need to get to know some other people. One outlet of that is going to be through upcoming skate nights that I'm going to start. Here in VA, almost every Friday and Saturday a group of guys (and sometimes gals) meet up and go skate into the wee hours. I want to create that atmosphere up at Tech (Michigan Tech, not Virginia). Also, I love to go four-wheeling and sometimes I ditched one friend who wanted to go out and I hung out with Cru. I'm not going to stop going Cru, I just need to step back and handle what I'm called to be and that is a student.

So tonight I scraped some lady's car with my dad's truck. Nothing major, just scraped some paint off her rear bumper and scratched the front bumper of the truck. Now, I love and hate driving the truck. It's a manual which is cool and crappy. So for parking it, I absolutely hate it. I pulled in and then I pulled out and swung it around thinking I had at least a foot of clearance, nope, scrape.... Man, there goes the money I'm making right now. Now, I'm bummed.  I'm in a depressed mood. Not only because of this but some other things have been on my mind. I'm going to be at camp in 2 weeks and when I'm going to screw up how am I going to handle it? With my record, I'm going to get down and want to get away from everything. Now, I can't do that at camp. I've got responsibilities and most importantly I've got be that great guy counselor to my kids this summer. We'll see, time to cool down and get ready for tomorrow. 


  1. Aw man, even less Devin time then last semester? sigh. You have a good point though. Somehow the front left side of my car looks like it got scraped against something too, but it wasn't me who did it. Somebody had to do it when I was parked somewhere or something. My car's a piece of junk though, so it probably doesn't mean as much.

    You're gonna be an awesome councilor at camp. You'll get the encouragement of other councilors there and you'll have fun with it too along with all the work but it'll be worth it. I'll be prayin' for ya!

  2. Yeah, Cru can do that to people. Perhaps we should do a better job not letting it consume people's lives... The skate night thing sounds like a sweet idea. And yeah, we do need to have non-Cru people in our lives. But don't give up on us altogether - you have amazing abilities & potential that I'd hate to see not be utilized. We should talk sometime - I'm interested to hear more of your thoughts on such things.

    Sad day about the truck/car - hope it doesn't set you back too far. And as for camp, you are going to be great and you will grow alot! Titus has been telling me about some of the other counselors you'll be working with and how much you're going to love this summer. It's gotta be hard for him not to be there... I look back on my 2 years at camp fondly. And I definitely was NOT qualified nor ready to do so...but God came through for me :-)

    God speaks this to Joshua, and by extension to you too: I will not leave you or forsake you. Be strong and courageous, ... be strong and very courageous, being careful to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right hand or to the left, that you may have good success wherever you go. This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:5b,7-9).

    Be sure to be in the word daily - it's so easy to let temptation and complacency slip in. This summer, all you have to offer those kids is God and His word - you must be regularly in the Bible and communion with God, otherwise you are of no value to any ministry. This isn't easy, but is worth it (speaking from my very limited personal experience, because I mostly fail at such things).

    Wow this was a long comment...(shrugs). Give me a call sometime...otherwise I'll probably give you a call sometime this weekend or something. g'day!
