Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Day 2

It's Day 2. I'm tired, sick, I have other things to do, but it's been a generally good day. I woke up, got ready and stuff and I got my morning quiet time in, which has been an on/off affair recently. It was actually pretty interesting and I dug into what I read. I recently started in Genesis and I read chapters 19-23. If you haven't read the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and Lot, it's pretty interesting. What made the morning even more interesting was that I also read 2 Peter which references Sodom and Gomorrah. Pretty cool when you actually understand what the Bible is referencing.... 

I actually felt awake in classes and was possibly willing to learn??? But, it's also been pretty busy. I haven't had much time to just sit around (which is somewhat a good thing). I had an unexpected conversation with a friend I hadn't seen in awhile. She's been pretty busy with all the life gives her and it was refreshing to talk and see how God has been working in her life. She also gave me some direction regarding my future. Yesterday I talked about where God was leading me and how I don't quite know the answer yet, I kind of feel like I may be getting one.

One thing I'm looking at is possibly being a teacher of some sort. Whether it be high school, middle school, special education, P.E., or something else, I've had this feeling to be around teens. I do have a heart for youth, and reaching out to them in some way. But, I've never really been able to teach people that well, which is kind of trait that is needed to be a teacher, so it freaks me out a bit. Also, it's kind of hard to determine what is God's will and "just a feeling". I don't know,..... we'll see what goes down.

I guess since it's Thursday now.... I have an interview tomorrow at a camp, Camp Barakel, for the position of camp counselor. I'm pretty excited. I haven't been to that camp in over 4 years, and I always dreamed of becoming a counselor someday. Well, as much as I could keep rambling on about the unknowns in my life, I need some sleep. Until a later date and time, 


1 comment:

  1. You keep bringing up that you seem to be hearing some direction regarding your future - I'd love to hear about it sometime!
